With Johnny Maestro
Hanging out backstage at The Mohegan Sun with friends Gerry Granahan and Kenny Vance - 2012
My group "Reminisce" - 2012. Please check out our CD on YouTube (Reminisce doo wop).
(Reminisce doo wop).
Another fun show with Joe Piscopo and my group Reminisce at Twin River Casino in Rhode Island - 2011
I needed a current photo for my new cd in 2013. Didn't have
one so I had to do a "selfie". Never did a "selfie" ever. Definitely
cheaper than paying a photographer!!
Hilton Inn Marquee
With my first group, the Phoenix Pyre - 1968
Photo shoot for modeling 1991. Oh to be that thin again!!
Promo Head Shot - 1992
CD cover photo for my a'cappella group Street Corner Serenade - 2009
Rodney Dangerfield and I giving each other "mutual respect" after one of our shows.
What a great guy!
My latest CD "Jo-Ann Dumas Sings." Back of CD song list. Feel free to check out my CD on you tube.
Mary Wilson (The Supremes) and I hanging out after our
Meadowlands show in 2010. Now there is a lady with class.
Jo-Ann Dumas Show 1976 promo photo. A great bunch of guys. RIP
Ward Camp, bass player.
OK so the other guys had to head back to college. New Jo-Ann
Dumas Show promo - 1977
What's Christmas without a little a'capella with my group
Street Corner Serenade and lots of decorated Christmas Trees at the
Providence R.I. Festival of Trees - 2009 ... Just beautiful!