Ronnie's Radio Page

Nutty but Nice


SWN (Spoken Word Nuttiness) Show

listen to the show

click listen below to hear a short portion of the recording on that line

listen  Opening Theme: I'm A Nut [edit] - Leroy Pullins
listen  Don't Ask! - Al Kelly
listen  Eggs Benedict - Woody Allen
listen  More Gauze - Mike Nichols and Elaine May
listen  St. George And The Dragonet - Stan Freberg
listen  Marriage Counselor - Lily Tomlin
listen  Car Phone - Mr. Obvious
listen  The Psychiatrist - Jackie Mason
listen  Dean Martin Celebrity Roast Of Dean Martin - Foster Brooks
listen  Flying Southern Comfort - Rodney Dangerfield
listen  Ajax Airlines - Hudson and Landry
listen  Family Feud [Fast Money - ''September''] - Richard Dawson
listen  Commencement Address - Gilda Radner
listen  Italian Wedding [abridged] - Pat Cooper
listen  Nobody Will Ever Play Baseball - Bob Newhart
listen  Who's On First - Abbott and Costello
listen  Closing Theme: I'm A Nut & That's All Folks! - Leroy Pullins and Porky Pig

Consecutive records with a connection to each other, as mentioned by Ronnie, are grouped together by color.